Léim Siar Environmental Policy

Léim Siar B&B recognises that everything we do has an effect upon the environment. We want to minimise the adverse environmental impact of our activities and continuously improve our environmental performance, ensuring the sustainability of our actions.
We aim to:
- comply with all relevant environmental legislation and industry standards
- reduce our use of non-renewable resources and of energy produced from such resources
- reduce and recycle waste whenever
prevent and minimise pollution - use all resources efficiently
- increase the percentage of both recycled materials and materials from renewable resources
- pass on the benefits of improved environmental practice to guests.
We intend to do this by annually reviewing our environmental impact to ensure that we maintain high standards.
Specifically, we are:
- using renewable energy, through both solar panels and geothermal heating
- purchasing supplementary energy through the green energy supplier, Airitricity
- utilising low-energy CFL and LED bulbs
- growing our own fruit and vegetables in our garden and greenhouse
- reducing waste through re-use and recycling
- monitoring and reducing our use of dangerous chemicals and, where possible, replacing them with ecological and environmentally safe products
- educating ourselves to work in an environmentally responsible manner and to develop new ideas and initiatives
- committed to reducing the amount of waste we produce
Aspire to do ~ Be seen to do ~ Encourage others
to do